In this program, you will learn to identify the key components of FC Barcelona’s game idea; these are the foundation for our trademark style which is used by our first division football team as well as at the youth football teams. The continuous progress in the development and evolution of tactical analysis in football makes study and training in this field of work permanent. The work proposals are increasingly broad for analysts, which allows them to take work roles in specific topics of analysis. For this reason, we will delve into the specific assessment of the goal-kicks phase; the analysis of set pieces in order to optimise them to the maximum and, in this way, gain a competitive advantage over our opponents; the analysis of the most common high pressure situations in a football match, offering the tools for a better understanding of this phase of the game; finally, we will approach the observation methodology used at FC Barcelona focussed on Youth Football categories.
1,200 €
Paco Seirul·lo Vargas
Alberto Angelastri
Joan Vicente Armengol
Jordi Pons Bolívar
Isidre Ramón Madir