
Certificate in Strength and Conditioning for Indoor Team Sports



At present, some 800 million people play volleyball at least once a week worldwide. Volleyball is played mainly in Western Europe, North America, and India and encompasses more than 220 affiliated national federations, while basketball is played by some 450 million people worldwide in 213 national federations divided into 5 continental federations.

Basketball is particularly popular in the USA and China, as well as throughout continental Europe and South America, making it one of the world’s most popular sports, while futsal and handball are played by some 30 million and 19 million people respectively. Therefore, it is evident the relevance of indoor team sports and the high impact in different fields such as political, social, economic, and cultural at a global level.

Team sports in general, and indoor team sports in particular, have generally based their training methods on the general training theory used for individual sports, particularly athletics. Given the obvious differences between the two types of sports, it seems logical to propose a new approach that is better adapted to the characteristics and needs of team sports. In this sense, a change of paradigm that leads coaches and professionals in the sports field in a more appropriate direction is unavoidable.

To do this, we must understand the characteristics of indoor team sports, based on the paradigm of complexity, and thus propose a methodology that empowers the player and all their structures and capabilities as the cornerstone of this proposal. The high neuromuscular, bioinformational, and physiological requirements imposed by competition in indoor team sports, coupled with increasingly dense competitive schedules, place a high burden on athletes.

Understanding the effect of training and competitive load results on sports performance and injury prevention is therefore a crucial issue for coaches, physical trainers, sports scientists, and sports medicine professionals. In this sense, technological developments have provided all these professionals with new tools allowing them to control, assess and monitor the load in order to optimize the training process, performance, and injury prevention, among other aspects.




Delivery mode
4 months
Average dedication
6/8 weekly hours
Delivered in

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Teamwork and collaboration:
Definition: the ability to integrate with peers to achieve shared goals and the synergy of a high performance group.
Analysis/reflection skills
Definition: the ability to methodically examine the different aspects of a reality or situation and make an assessment about them.
Creativity/Innovative knowledge-based solutions

Experts Advisors:

Jairo Vázquez Guerrero

Course Syllabus

Bases for understanding the Game in Indoor Team Sports: from the Reductionist Paradigm to the Complexity Paradigm

Module 1: Are we moving forward under the most appropriate paradigm to optimize sports performance? The complexity of indoor team sports. Module 2: Structured Training as the Basis of the Methodology in Indoor Team Sports. Module 3: The Athlete (Hyper-complex Structure) as the Centre of the Training Methodology. Module 4: Basic Pillars of Structured Training and the Use of Conditioning as a Tool for Designing Training Tasks.

Training of the Conditional Structure

Module 1: Strength as the Unique Physical Ability to Motor Expression in the Complexity of the Game. Module 2: Strength Training. Design of Preferential Simulation Situations to Support Physical Requirements in Indoor Sports. Module 3: Speed Training in Indoor Sports. Implementation in the Structured Microcycle Module 4: Endurance Training in Indoor Sports. Implementation in the Structured Microcycle

Training of the Cognitive, Coordinative, Creative-Expressive Structures and Strategies for their Temporal Organization (Planning) from Complexity.

Module 1: Training of the Cognitive Structure from Complexity. Module 2: Training of the Coordinative Structure from Complexity. Module 3: Training of the Creative-Expressive Structure from Complexity. Module 4: How do we Organize the Different Actions to Optimize Sports Performance? Temporary Organizational Strategies of the Structures (Planning).

Performance and Injury Prevention in Indoor Team Sports: Load Control and Monitoring.

Module 1: Control and Monitoring of Training and Competitive Load to Optimize Performance. Application of Micro-technology Module 2: Control and Monitoring of Training and Competitive Load to Reduce Injury Risk. Application of Micro-technology. Module 3: Application of Inertial Systems to Assess the Conditional and Bioenergetic Structure of the Player. Module 4: The Concept of "Responder" and "Non-responder" in Training. Recovery Strategies to Minimize the Load Impact.

What Does It Include?

24-hour access to study material, from anywhere, on any device
Accompaniment, monitoring and virtual support from an expert in the field
Activities and assessments with personalized feedback
Discussion forums and interaction with colleagues from all over the world
Certificate issued by Barça Innovation Hub and endorsed by the corresponding institution.
Self-assessment to measure your learning progress
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