
Certificate in Fan Engagement

625  313 

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In recent years, the concept of Fan Engagement in football has emerged as a way for federations, associations, leagues and clubs to strengthen supporter relationships and, as a consequence, to more sustainably grow attendances. Globally, in the majority of leagues, attendances are falling. This is due to many factors, including the primacy of digital services (including eSports, gaming, the streaming / broadcast of matches and fantasy leagues); the impact of broadcasting deals on changes to kick off times and match days; ticket pricing; the evolution of different working patterns; the emergence of many other leisure and sporting options (including start-up and expansion sports) and negative external perceptions of football, with anti-social behaviour, violence, racism and homophobia, all cited as barriers to attendance and engagement.

The concept of Fan Engagement (reflecting the wider service industry concept of Customer Engagement) proposes to address and / or mitigate these factors by re-defining what has been a historically ‘arms-length’ relationship with fans. Instead, it aims to create a ‘stakeholder’ relationship, where the football organization is designed around the needs of its community and acts according to the values and principles that define it in the eyes of its fans. Fan Engagement therefore relies on a much deeper understanding of the fan: who they are; the nature of their relationship with the game, club or national association and their individual behaviours, motivations, expectations and experiences.

Although elite leagues and clubs generate far more revenue from commercial partnerships that they do from ticket revenue, Fan Engagement is an absolutely necessary tool to allow them to strengthen existing fan relationships and to open up new supporter markets through a distinct and compelling offer. For non-elite leagues and clubs, the need to sustain or increase local ticket revenue is vital to financial viability. Graduates with an in-depth knowledge of Fan Engagement will therefore be able to offer potential employers a proven, effective and measurable path to sustainability and growth.

625  313 



Delivery mode
4 months
Average dedication
6/8 weekly hours
Delivered in

Learn to

Develop a detailed understanding of Fan Engagement: its definition, history, principles, practices & rationale.
Understand the nature of fans and fandom so as to put fans at the centre of club, league and / or national association activity.
Create a Fan Engagement strategy & to design the optimum fan experience including all relevant ‘touch points’ and for all key fan segments.
Create a culture of engagement at an association, league or club (Fan Engagement Leadership).

Experts Advisors:

Mark Bradley

Course Syllabus

Why Fan Engagement? Definition, Principles & Rationale

Module 1: The Origins of Fan Engagement Module 2: Defining the Fan Module 3: The Rationale for Fan Engagement Module 4: Building a Fan Engagement Strategy

Delivering Fan Engagement

Module 1: Club Identity: ‘Same song, different lyrics? Module 2: Understanding & Engaging with your Fan Base Module 3: Delivering Value in the Fan Experience Module 4: People & Culture

What is a Fan? Understanding the nature of fandom

Module 1: Fan v Customer: A love based on friction, emotion and irrationality Module 2: Understanding Fan Behaviour Module 3: Fan Consultation & Structured Dialogue Module 4: Growing Engagement (Data and Measures)

Leadership: Creating & Sustaining a Culture of Engagement

Module 1: An introduction to Fan Engagement Leadership Module 2: A Model for Engagement Module 3: Community Engagement Module 4: Embedding Fan Engagement

What Does It Include?

24-hour access to study material, from anywhere, on any device
Accompaniment, monitoring and virtual support from an expert in the field
Activities and assessments with personalized feedback
Discussion forums and interaction with colleagues from all over the world
Certificate issued by Barça Innovation Hub and endorsed by the corresponding institution.
Self-assessment to measure your learning progress
What is the value of this certificate?

This certificate demonstrates your expertise and validates the skills you acquire through the course. While it is not accredited by governing bodies like CAF, AFC, or FIFA, it is issued by Barça Innovation Hub, offering credible recognition for your professional development.

Is this course accredited by CAF, AFC, FIFA, or other governing entities?

No, the certificate is not directly accredited by governing bodies like CAF, AFC, or FIFA. However, it is part of Barça Innovation Hub's executive education programs, designed to develop specific skills and enhance professional growth.

What is Barça Innovation Hub?

Barça Innovation Hub is FC Barcelona's R&D and knowledge-sharing center, focused on innovation in sports performance, medical services, technology, and team sports. It collaborates with leading professionals and brands to create impactful educational programs.

How are the courses delivered?

Online-based programs: 100% online with flexible access to all course materials and expert support.

How long is the course?

Most courses are one month long. For more advanced programs or diplomas, durations range from 2 to 9 months. Specific details are available in the program catalog.

When does the course start?

The course starts on the 10th of each month. Registration closes on the 5th of each month, so be sure to enroll before the deadline.


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