
Sport & Sustainability



The world of sports is evolving rapidly and recovering from the devastating impact of the current health pandemic. Sports organizations at all levels and their respective sports events have to redefine their operational and business models to continue to engage players, sponsors, fans, and other stakeholders. There is a mutual dependency between climate change, health, and sport, but the potential impact of sport goes much beyond the field of play. Sports organizations, fans, and those working in sport, and in particular athletes, have an enormous potential to accelerate systemic change in society to foster and encourage inclusion, healthy lifestyles, climate action, and collaboration.

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability is a holistic concept that includes ensuring the needs of people, the planet, and profit, also referred to as Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). A sustainable sports program, including a sports event, needs to incorporate all three elements.

The purpose of this course is to learn how to understand and approach sustainability in sport, and how to get started with your own sustainable sports action plan, whether this is in designing a program, strategy, or initiative. Additionally, you will learn how to develop new policies, strategies, and actionable plans to build resilience and develop sustainable and profitable business models for your sports organization.




Delivery mode
2 months
Average dedication
6/8 weekly hours
Delivered in

Learn to

Knowledge of the concept and key elements of sustainability
Capability to relate sustainability to the organization’s corporate strategy
Understanding the operational aspects of sustainability programs
Capacity to drive impact measurement within an organization
Equipped to effectively communicate about sport and sustainability.

Experts Advisors:

Marisa Schlenker

Geert Hendriks

Clémence Gillier

Miguel Escribano

Experts of The Shift

Course Syllabus

Sustainable Strategy in Sport

Module 1: The foundations of sustainability in sport Module 2: How to develop a sustainability program based upon international standards and frameworks. Module 3: Measuring and reporting on impact Module 4: Sponsorship opportunities through sustainability

Managing and Financing a Sustainability Programme

Module 1: Define your vision and engage stakeholders Module 2: Creating a plan to finance and implement your sustainability program Module 3: Engaging fans and athletes in sustainability Module 4: Communicating about sustainability

What Does It Include?

24-hour access to study material, from anywhere, on any device
Accompaniment, monitoring and virtual support from an expert in the field
Activities and assessments with personalized feedback
Discussion forums and interaction with colleagues from all over the world
Certificate issued by Barça Innovation Hub and endorsed by the corresponding institution.
Self-assessment to measure your learning progress
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